Viên Uống Bổ Sung Vitamin B-12 600mcg Timed-Release

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Viên Uống Bổ Sung Vitamin B-12 600mcg Timed-Release
Viên Uống Bổ Sung Vitamin B-12 600mcg Timed-Release
Viên Uống Bổ Sung Vitamin B-12 600mcg Timed-Release
1/3 ẢNH
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Giá Niêm Yết VND 398000 ₫398,000

Mô tả sản phẩm

LAC Vitamin B-12 600mcg Timed-Release contain a higher potency of Vitamin B-12, suitable for those who have Vitamin B-12 deficiency and greater needs such as anemia. Vitamin B-12 increase energy levels and relieve fatigue and weakness. It’s timed-released formula releases small amounts of Vitamin B-12 over time for better nutrient absorption and assimilation.